Thursday, November 1, 2012


So I've finally bit the bullet and started this, after years of listening to people tell me I should have a blog and nodding in agreement.  (Still intimidated by the tech end and am figuring things out... the look will probably change several times over the coming weeks!!)

When I said I was finally ready to do this, people asked what it would be about -- music and opera?  Bird watching?  How I've been learning to be happy?  Humor?  Embroidery, needlepoint or knitting? Trip, audition or performance reports?  My kitty friends?  Anything else?  I'd answer yes, yes and yes!  I may be a musician first, but my music history professor in college repeatedly informed us that "Music doesn't happen in a vacuum!"  Life is what happens when you're making plans...or having rehearsals or auditions, or when you're between gigs.

Let's have some fun!

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