Monday, December 17, 2012

Yes, I've successfully outwitted a squirrel

(Not only that, but hopefully by the time this gets published, I'll have figured out how to include photos!!!)

My love of bird-watching began at the window, watching them at the feeders my dad would have up.  As important as attracting birds to these feeders, was preventing squirrels from getting to the birdseed.  Usually a good baffle was enough, although we also flirted with the one that would close if something too heavy landed on it.

I didn’t think much about feeding the birds myself, as I travel a lot, but one day in the grocery store I saw a seed bell.  (Seeds stuck  together, presumably with something that’s ok for them to eat, then molded into the shape of a bell.)  I was delighted by it, brought it home and hung it from a shepherd’s crook in the garden.  With no plant hanging from the crook for the winter, it seemed like a perfect fit.

A while later, I looked out the window to see a squirrel sitting on the crook, eating the bell. He’d just pulled it up by the string I used to hang it and he was having a blast!!!  I charged outdoors, scaring him away, and then remembered Dad's baffle.  I retrieved it from where I knew I had it in the shed, hung that from the crook, used wire instead of string to attach the bell and I was extremely proud of myself.  Ha! That would show that stupid squirrel!!! 

A while later, my nemesis was halfway up the shepherd’s crook, leaning out and eating the seed bell!!  AUGH!  I ran outside, scaring him again, and remembered that using vegetable oil wouldn’t allow them to climb the thin metal crook.  This provided a great deal of amusement, and my mom and I watched the squirrel try over and over to climb the pole, only to get a little way and slide back down.  Alas, this would eventually wear off and he’d be back up there, eating the seed I’d bought for the birds.  (Mind you, the squirrels weren’t going hungry…I’d already resigned myself to the fact that they’d eat most of the suet I put out and was buying the “peanut delight” variety that they seemed to like the most!)

I was determined to figure this out, though, and just knew I needed something to prevent them from climbing the pole…like a lower baffle.  Yeah, a lower baffle…   I headed off to our local garden department and looked and looked, and finally found a clear shallow dish that was meant to go under a big potted plant to keep water from getting on the floor.  It was round, had sides that curved up (or down!) and it felt like I could put a hole in it.  Back home with it, I successfully did put a hole in it, and managed to maneuver it down onto the pole, where it slid to the ground like the squirrel had been doing.  Only momentarily defeated, I ran to the house to get some clear packing tape, which I wrapped around the pole under where I wanted the baffle to sit, so it wouldn’t slide down.  (I was picking all clear stuff so that it would look subtle and natural!)

Then I waited.  The squirrel came for his late afternoon snack, began to climb the pole and reached the baffle. He looked around,  confused—“Hey!  I could climb this before!”  He couldn’t reach around and get on top—it wouldn’t hold him!! Yay!  He went to a nearby bush and tried to jump, but I’d successfully gotten it too far away!  I stood there in disbelief that I’d actually out-witted a squirrel, quite, quite pleased with myself!!  I’ll add that, with one exception of one incident after a very bad storm which made the baffle tilt so much that the squirrel could scramble on top (fixed by more packing tape), no squirrel has gotten to any other seed bell that I’ve hung here.  They can have the suet, but this is for my birdie friends!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

I didn't know I could go to the bank for my outdoors activity supplies!

Scene: Too early in the morning at Chase bank. A VERY perky male employee greets me and asks how I'm doing. I reply as I begin to fill out a payment slip.

Perky Employee: And how are YOU today?

Me: Well, my socially acceptable answer is that I'm great!!

PE looks at me...

Me: Sorry!!  I'm not quite awake yet, and I'm running late so things are sort of not so great, but no one ever wants to hear that... (laughing)

PE: Ah… Do you need help filling that out?

Me: Naw, I got this. (laughing) I’m awake enough that I can write my name......What's the date? (I look up, realize I'm standing directly in front of a very big calendar), Oh. It's the 16th.
Other perky (male) employee: And (name of teller) can help you with that right here! Is is cold out?
Me: Well, yeah...
OPE: Would you like some toe-warmers?
Me: (tilting head) =what=?! (brain comes to a screeching halt and I start laughing...) no, wait...what did you just say?!
OPE: We have toe-warmers if you want them...Oh! and you can use them--you don't even have socks on!
Me (looking down): Well, yeah...I'm from outside Buffalo, socks and gloves are the last things to pull out in the winter and it didn't seem cold enough for them today...
First Perky Employee: How do those even work? (Looking at the toe-warmers the teller has handed me)
Me: You put them in your shoes, and something with the air contact makes them heat up...I birdwatch, these will be useful, thanks!
OPE: See!? Have a great day!!

And... end scene on a surreal beginning to my day...
What's the date? (I look up, realize I'm standing directly in front of a very big calendar), Oh. It's the 16th.
Other perky (male) employee: And (name of teller) can help you with that right here! Is is cold out?
Me: Well, yeah...
OPE: Would you like some toe-warmers?
Me: (tilting head) =what=?! (brain comes to a screeching halt and I start laughing...) no, wait...what did you just say?!
OPE: We have toe-warmers if you want them...Oh! and you can use them--you don't even have socks on!
Me (looking down): Well, yeah...I'm from outside Buffalo, socks and gloves are the last things to pull out in the winter and it didn't seem cold enough for them today...
First Perky Employee: How do those even work? (Looking at the toe-warmers the teller has handed me)
Me: You put them in your shoes, and something with the air contact makes them heat up...I birdwatch, these will be useful, thanks!
OPE: See!? Have a great day!!

And... end scene on a surreal beginning to my day...
What's the date? (I look up, realize I'm standing directly in front of a very big calendar), Oh. It's the 16th. 

Other perky (male) employee: And if you’re done with that, (name of teller) can help you with that right here! Is it cold out?

Me: Well, yeah...

OPE: Would you like some toe-warmers?

Me: (tilting head) =what=?! (My brain comes to a screeching halt and I start laughing...) no, wait...what did you just say?!

OPE: We have toe-warmers if you want them...Oh! and you can use them--you don't even have socks on!

Me (looking down): Well, yeah...I'm from outside Buffalo and socks and gloves are the last things I pull out in the winter and it didn't seem cold enough for them today...

First Perky Employee: How do those even work? (Looking at the toe-warmers the teller has handed me)

Me: You put them in your shoes, and something with the air contact makes them heat up. I birdwatch, so these will be useful, thanks!

OPE: See!? Have a great day!!

And... end scene on a surreal beginning to my day...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

You can only save so many butterflies...

Ah, still figuring out how to set things up in here – it’ll get there. It's one more thing to do, and I got swamped the past week or so!!!  (Although, I probably should have figured that all out before posting anything right? LOL!)
BUT, that leads me to one of the ideas for posting that’s been floating around in my brain.  “Fluttering” would be a better word, as this involves butterflies.  Cartoon game butterflies, to be exact.
Do you know the game Bejeweled?  (Yes, yes, Sparkly Aardvarks of course love most things gemstone related!)  I got sort of sucked into “Bejeweled Blitz” on Facebook – you match as many gems of the same color together as quickly as you can, to get as high a score as possible in only a minute. I love it—you can play for a couple of minutes and feel like you accomplished something, rather than take all afternoon playing something that you never finish.  Then, my fabulous sister gave me an iPod Touch for Christmas two years ago.  Yay -- I could listen to all my music so easily! Yay – I could record all my lessons, coachings and practice sessions—brilliant!  Yay – uh-oh!  :blink:… I could play games on it, too… I limited myself to downloading only a couple, as I have enough glorious time-sucks in my life.  (~waving~ “Hi!!” to all my Facebook friends, LOL!)
Then this summer, I learned I could get Bejeweled on the iPod and thought, “Oh, that would be fun to play on the subway!”  A couple of weeks ago, my friend Roben asked if I had tried the “Butterflies” variation.  Ooh, no, I hadn’t seen that one yet – I said I would try that the next day, which I did.  I opened up the game and was delighted to see that some of the gems were little butterflies and when you matched them with other gems of the same color, they’d flutter away.  (“How wonderful!  Ooh, I wonder who programmed this!?”)  Then the game ended rather abruptly, but I’d not been paying full attention because I have a tendency to get involved and ride past my stop and that’s always annoying, so I was keeping an eye on the window as well.  So I started another game, made a few moves, and after again checking what stop we were passing, I realized there was a big spider telling me the game was over.  Hmm. This wasn’t going to be much fun if it’s always over so quickly…
So I started a third game and only then realized (don’t judge me—I already said I wasn’t paying full attention, LOL!) that at the top of the board is a little cartoon spider, and the butterflies are actually all advancing to be captured—they are all heading toward their DOOM!!!  Not only that, but they know it—they begin to quiver and shake if they get within two rows of the spider!!!  My aforementioned delight abruptly changed to, “OMG, this is =awful=!!! Who the heck =programmed= this?!??!?!”  My game strategy changed immediately (make sure the butterflies stay away from the top, LOL) and, after a longer game with a much higher score, I came to the horrible realization that there is No. Way. To. Ever. Save. All. The. Butterflies…  The game only ends when one gets captured, after more and more of them show up.  And it was at this point that I realized I had ridden past my stop… :sigh:!
Neither this realization nor subsequent conversations with Roben about the bastard, cheating spider have deterred me from the game, though—no, I’ve had a couple games where I’ve gotten more than a million points, in fact.  But the game always gets me pondering about life…If I think about all the music I want to sing and perform, all the books I want to read, all the places I want to go and things I want to do--all the gazillions of "butterflies" in my life, I get overwhelmed and think that there’s no way I can do it all.  It’s rather like my initial despair that this game was designed to be totally unwinnable.  Roben suggested not to look at all the butterflies I can’t save, but know that I did save some, and I half-heartedly said, Yeah...  I know she’s right, though.  Many times during some years of going through various adversities, I’ve had people ask me how I manage, and I say, “I get up in the morning. I do what I have to do.  Sometimes there’s extra time to do some of the other things I want to do, then I go to bed and start again the next morning.”  What more can anyone do, or what more can anyone ask of someone? 
So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go look at some music now, because I have some extra time today.  Then maybe I’ll go rescue some butterflies before bed.  And eventually I'll figure out how to do things on here!!  J

Thursday, November 1, 2012


So I've finally bit the bullet and started this, after years of listening to people tell me I should have a blog and nodding in agreement.  (Still intimidated by the tech end and am figuring things out... the look will probably change several times over the coming weeks!!)

When I said I was finally ready to do this, people asked what it would be about -- music and opera?  Bird watching?  How I've been learning to be happy?  Humor?  Embroidery, needlepoint or knitting? Trip, audition or performance reports?  My kitty friends?  Anything else?  I'd answer yes, yes and yes!  I may be a musician first, but my music history professor in college repeatedly informed us that "Music doesn't happen in a vacuum!"  Life is what happens when you're making plans...or having rehearsals or auditions, or when you're between gigs.

Let's have some fun!